Posts in Aerial Surveillance
Air Pollutant Mapping

Quickly scan through an area to obtain its local air pollution distribution in 3D, suspected fugitive admission sources can be pin pointed down to exact locations. Analyse exhausts gas composition from ship funnel and determine fuel sulphur content of exhaust gases.

Traffic Analytics

Aerial evaluation of traffic situations in cities, highways and roads. Real-time traffic understanding for application such as adaptive control of traffic lights to minimise congestion.

Tethered Drone System

Drone flight capabilities with extended durations of 24 hours or more with secure communications via tether. Applications include border control, perimeter surveillance and traffic monitoring.


Generate topographic maps, utilising accurate digital elevation models. Map and model large areas accurately to produce accurate 2D and 3D models.

Thickness Measurement

Reliable, accurate aerial measurements at heights. Multiple echos utilised to completely ignore coatings up to 6mm thickness. The automatic measurement verification system ensures only true measurements is displayed even on the most heavily corroded metals.

Multi Gas Detection

Capability to measure and visualise real-time 3D gas concentration distribution accurately in large open areas. Eg. SO2, CO, NO2, O2, VOCs, LEL/CH4, CO2, H2S, NH3, HCI, H2, CI2, PH3.